I‘m as cynical as the next guy when it comes to this window film business.
I’ve been on both sides of the channel. In my past life as a 3M Sales Rep, Account Exec and National Sales Manager and most recently (16 years) as owner of my own company Advanced Film Solutions.

No one paid me to say this but Eastman LLumar SelectPro Films has been the world leader in window film for decades, but recently their management team has grabbed the lapels of this business and shaken it for whatever it’s worth!
Bold moves in acquisitions.
Their solutions are outstanding. Incomparable clarity, a depth of choices and iterations for every critical thinking consumer.
Their management team is dedicated and forthright and their customer service has been extraordinary.
After nearly 27,000 homes and thousands of cars using VISTA and FormulaOne I am more convinced than ever that the winning edge is the powerful Eastman team behind us.