Nothing motivates me more than a confused consumer who has has received aquote from 3M via Home Depot for their window film.
They were in a Home Depot or perhaps they had their windows washed by one of their reseller agents and an appointment was set to consider window film.
Not just any window film mind you; rather the 3M window film that is “clear but rejects nearly all of the heat.”
They have a price quote and it seems out of whack!
They watched a demo with a Heat Lamp that “showed” how the 3M- Home Depot Film knocked that BTU number down to practically nothing!

They called Advanced Film Solutions
We represent NFRC rated films like Huper Optik , VISTA Films and EnerLogic Low E Film that provide accurate measurements of window film performance on specific glass configurations.
This level playing field is one of the key factors that will enable window film to an Energy Star status in the future.
Advanced Film Solutions installs coatings that block more heat! Plus our EnerLogic Series of Low E film insulates your home during the winter!
We NEVER exaggerate the performance of our window film portfolio, or play misleading tricks with narrow wavelength IR lamps.

And we will never spout nonsense about films working better at angles. (After all even glass works better at rejecting heat at an angle.)
Read INDUSTRY white papers discussing misleading IR numbers and consumer awareness of these issues.
IWFA – IR Ratings of Window Film
(By the way a 20% light transmission silver film completely destroys prestige in solar heat rejected – it’s not even close!)

That lamp focuses heat at a very narrow and specific wavelength that the BTU meter just so happens to be calibrated to read.
Think presto-hocus pocus.
Call Toll free 877-575-3456
Advanced Film Solutions
Window Film USA
Straight Talk- Facts