Window film competition here in Tampa Bay, Orlando and Sarasota can be fierce!
It’s hot. It stays hot.
We launched our company in the midst of a shifting and uncertain economy back in 2007.

This after 33 years at 3M and having been National Sales Manager of the window film business.
What are the factors that gave us a winning advantage over the competitors ?
Advanced Film Solutions believes that Value trumps any “perception ” of brand superiority.
- Choices! We offer more choices in window films that offer documented superiority. This is a distinct advantage. It’s not that we simply throw all of our choices against the glass and say. . pick one! We know the nuances between these solutions. We are always 100% consumer focused.

- You always deal with an expert in window film solutions and technology. We don’t have neophyte employees who pretend that one solution is always the best solution.
- Running “lean and mean” gives us pricing flexibility that our competition can not match.

- We also stay at the forefront of new technologies and window film advances. There are no magical secrets in this business.

If there were lower cost window tinting solutions that were superior to our brands, I’d certainly know about them.
- Superior installations: I hate headaches. We take care to make certain that our clients receive the very best installs. We aren’t perfect and when we mess up, we do everything we can to fix the problem. That’s why we survey all of our clients to learn from our mistakes.

- We present facts and documented performance. That’s why we embrace the NFRC .
Advanced Film Solutions

Tampa-Orlando-Sarasota-Clearwater- Bradenton