Protect, Home Furnishings From UV, Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota Window Film


Take a close look at your furnishings under the bright light that streams through your windows every single day.

The unrelenting UV, heat and bright light damage your most valuable furnishings, rugs, wood floors, drapes and leather.

The cost to repair is prohibitive which is why most homeowners simply buy replacements.

There is a better way.

UV window film provides a barrier between a building’s occupants/interior furnishings and harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet A rays (UVA) in particular are responsible for causing extensive damage – including initiating skin cancer development and causing fading of furniture and flooring.

While ordinary glass offers little to no protection from the sun, UV window films do, and at a fraction of the cost of other UV-blocking alternatives.

The Vista™ brand of UV window film provides the highest level of UVA and UVB rejection by blocking up to 99.9% of harmful UV rays.


Vista UV window film’s protective shield helps defend against the dangers of UV induced skin diseases and photosensitivity. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are also the leading cause of fading in interiors such as furniture, floorings, wall coverings, artwork and photographs. Retail stores are especially prone to damage from UVA rays as merchandise in windows is more susceptible to damage and fading.

Advanced Film Solutions installs UV, heat blocking thin films that preserve your furnishings.

These are the same films that effectively reduce your monthly electric bills by nearly 30% a month.

Call Advanced Film Solutions for a free estimate by calling toll free 877-575-3456



One thought on “Protect, Home Furnishings From UV, Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota Window Film

  1. Hailey Miller

    It helped when you said that UV rays can cause extensive damage to our skin and furniture. My partner and I want to ensure the protection of our family and the appliances inside our house. With this, we will look for window experts on Tuesday who can install window tinting to the large windows of our bungalow house near the lake.


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