In what could only be termed “shocking” news:
The American Zombie Association has totally endorsed Advanced Film Solutions for their growing membership!
“Zombies are a growing marketing sector and having the Zombie American Nation firmly on our side is comforting” said the marketing manager for Advanced Film Solutions.
Why would a Zombie choose Advanced Film Solutions?
Well. .
UV rejection and cooler interiors preserve the Zombie deterioration.
Mrs. Voorhees never had our window film installed. She was too cheap while alive and a real tight wad.

The sun wrecks havoc with a Zombies natural look and those Zombies who can still drive (read Driving Zombies To Death or Back Seat Front Seat Zombies, Zombies Publishing, 2007) prefer the glare rejection.
Zombies love Advanced Film Solutions
24/7 Sun Protection

For the Zombie that cares about the environment and takes going green seriously!
This Halloween Choose Advanced Film Solutions

Dedicated to our Zombie American neighbors everywhere!

Cash Only for Zombies- Your credit rating is way too low.